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Saya masih aktif menjalankan service henna di sekitar KUALA LUMPUR buat masa ini..
Tempahan tarikh berinai di buka untuk Bride-to-be sepanjang TAHUN 2014
(OPEN FOR Oktober, November, Disember)!
Jika anda berminat dengan hasil seni Henna Ratu Sehari,
cepat isi booking form dan saya akan segera membalas emel2 anda.. ;)

Harga disertakan mengikut Pakej yang telah disediakan di sini:

Sebarang pertanyaan akan dibalas.
Emelkan ke: am.nkaak@gmail.com

Saya harap anda dapat membuat pilihan yang TEPAT untuk memilih
Henna Artist yang betul2 memuaskan hati di hari berbahagia anda.. ;)

P/S: Kepada Mobile User (online thru Smartphone, tab) sila scroll ke bawah dan click 'view web version' untuk paparan yang jelas.
Thank you.

14 October 2009


Salam semua..

Saya terjumpa TIPS PENTING ni yang saya rasa patut saya postkan di blog henna saya ni.. Sedang asyik membelek-belek blog wedding tiba-tiba terbaca TIPS ni di blog
Thanks kepada owner blog sebab saya nampak ada link blog Hennaratusehari kat column Designer and Wedding Info.. Very Appreciate It!

Kepada Semua Pembaca yang mahukan inai anda lebih merah dan tahan lama, baca tips ni oke..!

How to make your henna easily apply to your skin and how to make the colour even more shinier, brighter and lovely ... here goes :

1. Make sure to drink a lot of water at least 2 weeks before applying inai. This is to keep the skin moist and easy to apply the henna.

2. Make sure to take a bath first before applying henna.

3. Get ready with a small water spray containing lime and sugar. After finish applying henna, every 5 mins or when the henna feels dry, spray the water to the henna. Repeat applying and spraying for maybe 5-6 hours. depends how long u can stand and stay still. :)

4. After 5-6 hours, scrape off the henna dan lumurkan a few drop of minyak cap kapak to the henna. Minyak cap kapak have this one ingredient that can make the henna's colour stays longer.

5. one more .... dont forget to have ur nails manicure and pedicure first before u put-on the henna. it will make ur henna even more shinier and lovely ... do not get menicure and pedicure after u apply the henna. it will spoil the henna's colour and texture ...


  1. wahhh ! ada link blog saya di sini .. thanks for reading my blog yah ! :)
    yerp, am still searching and surveying for my wedding ... mencabar sungguh but am having fun ... masa kerja pun i duk blog hopping sana sini nk survey n get idea for my wedding ...
    thanks again !

    take care n havva nice day ...

  2. Hi amrina...thanks for such useful info! Your works are superb...creative sangat2... i put your tips in my blog, okeh..and of course your link...kite exchange link nk? :)

  3. Eh jap. saya pernah baca kat blog yg lain pula kata, kalau nak pakai inai, jgn buat mandicure pasal nanti warna inai tak melekat cantik kat kuku?

  4. i read the same xora..so which eh?
